Private policy
In general
Your privacy is important to us. In order to better protect your privacy, we describe in this privacy policy how we collect, process and use the personal data we collect about your behavior on our website.
At the same time, we will draw you attention to the choices you can make on how your information is collected and used. In order to make this policy easy to find, we make it available on our website and at any time where personally identifiable information may be requested.
What is personal data?
Personal data are all kinds of information that can be attributed to you to some extent. When you use this site, we collect and process a variety of such information. This happens for example if you do one of the following:
- Purchases a product at our webshop
- Sign up for our newsletter
- Contact us through a contact form
Why do we collect personal data?
We collect only the personal data you voluntarily submit to us or otherwise consent us to collect. We collect personal data:
- … to send you marketing material that has already been approved.
- … provide you with information about products / services that you have previously purchased from us.
- … to contact you if you have filled in our “contact us” form.
- … to handle invoices, order confirmations, license information, etc.
What personal data do we collect?
To the extent that you explicitly consent to this and enter the information, we treat the following types of personal data:
- Your contact information such as name, e-mail address, phone number, etc.
- User information such as usernames, passwords, login information and security issues
- Your credit card information
- Information from your web browser, such as IP addresses, browser type and language
- Information to use in third party networks such as Facebook, Google Analytics and ePay.
How do we collect personal data?
We collect your personal data through our website and third party software. We collect your personal data through forms on our website, and through the use of cookies to collect data about your behavior. Cookies are small text files that contain a number of characters and uniquely identify a browser. Most browsers were originally created to accept cookies. However, you may be able to change your browser settings to allow your browser to deny third party cookies or specify when a third party cookie is being sent. To learn more about cookies and how they work, visit
In addition to the personal data we collect through our website, we use a number of third-party software to collect data on this site. Below we have described the different types of third party software used on our website:
- Google Analytics:
Google Analytics gives us access to your behaviour on our site, and Google Analytics collects data using cookies. These cookies collect information about your use of our website, including your IP address for tracking your behaviour. We also use Google Analytics for our marketing and you can therefore experience dynamic ads after visiting our website.
Data about your use of this website, which ads you receive and, if any, click on, geographic location, IP address, etc. passed on to third parties to the extent that you explicitly consent to it and even enter the information.
How long are personal data stored on the website?
Your personal data will be stored for as long as necessary. This means that when your personal data will no longer be relevant to us, it will automatically be deleted in a safe way. There is a possibility that we can process your data for statistical purposes, but in this case, your data will always be anonymized.
How can you access the personal data we collect about you?
You are entitled to know what personal information we are processing about you. You may also object to the use of information at any time if it is no longer necessary for us to keep your data. Below we have specified how to do this:
- Access and correction of personal data
You always have the opportunity to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you. If you detect any errors or outdated information, you may also request any corrections. If you no longer wish to store your personal data with us, you have the right to request that your personal data be deleted. However, this can only happen if it is no longer necessary for us to keep your data. - Right to opt-out of marketing communications
If you no longer want to receive email marketing from us, you have the right to withdraw your consent. However, please note that this kind of communication does not cover administrative messages such as order confirmations, e-mail related to account settings – including password change and messages that are in continuation
How do we secure your personal information?
We treat your data with care. This means that we undertake to prevent disclosure, unauthorized access or alternative processing of our customer’s personal data collected on this website.
This website and this privacy policy are owned and published by:
Company: Winch Supply Ltd
Address: Nessebar
Postal Code: 8253, Kosharitsa, Bulgaria
Phone:+359 877 334 928
If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal information, this may be done by email:, +359 877 334 928
Hvor længe opbevares persondata på hjemmesiden?
Dine personlige data bliver opbevaret så længe, som det er nødvendigt. Det betyder, at når din personlige data ikke længere vil være relevant for os at bevarer, vil det automatisk blive slettet på en sikker måde. Der er mulighed for, at vi kan behandle din data i forbindelse med statistiske formål, men i dette tilfælde vil din data altid blive anonymiseret.
Hvordan kan du få adgang til den persondata vi indsamler omkring dig?
Du har ret til at få oplyst, hvilke personoplysninger, vi behandler om dig. Du kan desuden til enhver tid gøre indsigelse mod, at oplysninger anvendes hvis det ikke længere er nødvendigt for os at beholde din data. Herunder har vi specificeret, hvordan du kan gøre dette:
- Adgang og berigtigelse af persondata
Du har altid mulighed for at anmode os, om at få en kopi at de personlige data, som vi har liggende om dig. Hvis du opdager fejl eller forældede oplysninger, har du ligeledes mulighed for at anmode os om eventuelle rettelser. Hvis du ikke længere ønsker at opbevare dine personlige dataoplysninger hos os, har du retten til at anmode om at få din persondata slettet. Dette kan dog kun ske, hvis det ikke længere er nødvendigt for os at beholde din data.
- Ret til at fravælge markedsføringskommunikation
Hvis du ikke længere har lyst til at modtage e-mailmarkedsføring fra os, har du retten til at trække dit samtykke tilbage. Dog skal du være opmærksom på, at denne form for kommunikation ikke dækker over administrative meddelelser som f.eks. ordrebekræftelser, e-mails i forbindelse med kontoindstillinger – herunder ændring af kodeord og meddeler der ligger i forlængelse heraf
Hvordan vi sikrer dine personlige oplysninger?
Vi behandler dine data med omhu. Det betyder, at vi forpligter os til at forhindre offentliggørelse, uautoriseret adgang eller alternativ behandling af vores kunders persondata, som indsamles på denne hjemmeside.
Denne hjemmeside og denne privatlivspolitik ejes og publiceres af:
Telefon: 22 33 55 88
Hvis du ønsker at klage over vores behandling af dine personoplysninger, kan dette ske til Datatilsynet, på adressen Borgergade 28, 5., 1300 København, telefon 33 19 32 00 e-mail: